Eric is a full featured Python editor and IDE, written in Python. It is
based on the cross platform Qt UI toolkit, integrating the highly flexible
Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays' quick and
dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management
tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder.
eric includes a plug-in system, which allows easy extension of the IDE
functionality with plug-ins downloadable from the net.
Current stable version is eric6 based on PyQt5 (with Qt5) and
Python 3.
- Unlimited number of editors
- Configurable window layout
- Configurable syntax hilighting
- Sourcecode autocompletion
- Sourcecode calltips
- Sourcecode folding
- 电脑版ssr如何使用
- Error highlighting
- Advanced search functionality including project wide search
and replace
- Integrated class browser
- Integrated version control interface for Mercurial, Subversion
and Git repositories (as core plug-ins)
- Integrated cooperation functions (chat, shared editor)
- Integrated sourcecode documentation system
- Integrated Python debugger including support to debug
multi-threaded and multi-processing applications
- Integrated profiling and code coverage support
- 阴阳师电脑版怎么下载:2021-1-6 · 阴阳师是一款非常热门的和风风格的手游,很多玩家都想知道阴阳师这款游戏在电脑上怎么下载来玩,下面就由小编来告诉大家阴阳师电脑版的下载方法是什么。
- Integrated task (ToDo items) management
- SSR Windows客户端下载、安装及使用教程 ...:2021-7-17 · SSR的连接需要服务端和客户端配合完成。还没有安装SSR服务端的朋友,可众参考: SSR一键安装脚本 (ShadowsocksR一键安装教程) SSR服务端安装成功后,我伔就可众通过客户端与之相连了。下面我伔来介绍下SSR Windows客户端的下载及使用 ...
- Interactive Python shell including syntax hilighting and autocompletion
- Application diagrams
- Running external applications from within the IDE
- Integrated unittest support
- Integrated CORBA support based on omniORB
- 笔记本Ubuntu 安装 及 SSR安装 配置 (基于Y9000x wifi驱动 ...:2021-11-11 · 笔记本Ubuntu 安装 及 SSR安装 配置 (基于Y9000x wifi驱动可用)嘤嘤嘤,由于工程需要及生产力第一次直接在非虚拟机环境安装ubuntu,走了不少弯路,写下这篇博客,希望能帮助有需要的人,喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵 ...
- Integrated 'Virtual Environment' management
- Integrated support for Python Package Management (pip)
- Integrated rope refactoring tool (as optional plug-in)
- Integrated interface to various packagers (as optional plug-ins)
- Integrated interface to PyLint (as optional plug-in)
- Many integrated wizards for regex and Qt dialogs (as core plug-ins)
- Localizations: Currently Eric is available in English, German, Russian,
and Spanish.
- Tools for previewing Qt forms and translations
- Integrated Web Browser
- Integrated interface to the enchant spell checking library
- 怎样在电脑上下载手游阴阳师:2021-6-15 · 怎样在电脑上下载 手游阴阳师相关资料 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略,在游戏中很多玩家发现别人都已经20多级了,自己才5、6级,那么要怎么升级快呢?下面就跟随游民小编一起来了解一下吧。阴阳师手游新手快速 ...